Originally posted in February 2017. Updated to be even more awesome in February 2020! How to Be Heart Healthy for Heart Month (and every month) We’ve all heard the scary statistics about heart disease. I’m sure you already know that heart disease is the number two killer of both men and women. I’m not here to […]

Originally posted in February 2017. Updated to be even more awesome in February 2020! How to Be Heart Healthy for Heart Month (and every month) We’ve all heard the scary statistics about heart disease. I’m sure you already know that heart disease is the number two killer of both men and women. I’m not here to […]

Smoke point refers to the temperature at which an oil starts to burn and smoke. This is important because the smoking and burning of an oil renders it very bad for us! Overheating an oil destroys the beneficial nutrients and phytochemicals in that oil.  But worse than that, when you cook with oil that’s been […]

The best diet is one that makes you feel amazing and works for where you’re at in life right now. This will be different for everyone. Like many things in the wellness world, there’s a lot of contradictory information out there. Even among nutritional experts and the medical community alike, everyone has an opinion and […]

  [fusion_dropcap color=”#f6b331″ boxed=”no” boxed_radius=”8px” class=”” id=””]B[/fusion_dropcap]lood sugar instability is being recognized as one of the most profound and devastating influences on health and wellness. Depression, anxiety, low energy, food cravings, disrupted sleep, weight gain, brain fog are among the many symptoms that may plague you if you unknowingly are struggling with daily blood sugar […]

    A food preservative is a substance added to foods to make them last longer; to “preserve” them. Preservatives are added to foods that go bad quickly and have found themselves in all kinds of products in our grocery stores. Preservatives work to preserve food in a few different ways. Some prevent the growth […]

Allergies keeping you overweight, unfit & miserable? You eat well, you workout regularly, yet every spring your allergies seem to slow you down and sabotage it all! Relentless histamine reactions wreak havoc on our bodies, zap our energy, slow metabolism, and inhibit our fitness & wellness gains. Many individuals resort to medications that bring temporary […]

That shrimp is so sexy! Okay, that’s weird… but shrimp just might improve both your stress levels and your sexual vitality!  It’s a rich source of iodine, a nutrient crucial to optimal thyroid function. It’s high in choline, a micronutrient related to folate and members of the B vitamin complex that plays several significant roles in […]

Gluten! This is one word that is sure to get a response, be it positive or negative, due to its prevalence over recent years. The topic of gluten, and all of its subsidiaries (Gluten Free/GF, Gluten Sensitivity), is a hot issue that everyone has an opinion about. With all the conflicting information out there, how […]

  Asparagus contain a special phytonutrient called saponins, which have have repeatedly been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. They’ve also been associated with improved blood pressure, improved blood sugar regulation, and better control of blood fat levels. Asparagus also contains high levels of the amino acid asparagine, which serves as a natural diuretic, […]

  First published in January 2017, updated and made even more awesome November 2019 Do you know what some of the most basic and vital of processes in the human body depend on – processes like building DNA,  message signalling in the brain, and detoxification in the liver – METHYLATION (a biochemical process in the […]

The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Build Holistic Nutrition. Please note that Build Nutrition is not a dietitian, physician, pharmacist or other licensed healthcare professional. The information on this website is NOT intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of a qualified health care professional. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Always consult with your primary care physician or licensed healthcare provider for all diagnosis and treatment of any diseases or conditions, for medications or medical advice, as well as before changing your health care regimen.


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