Take control of your body and your life.

A holistic approach for hardcore people.

You are capable of building your strongest, leanest, healthiest and most energetic body -

... despite how busy or stressed your life is
... despite how old or tired you think you are
... whether or not your family wants to eat the same way
... regardless of your cravings, your social life, or the temptations around you
... and despite any real-life obstacles that have derailed you in the past 

The GRIT50 Challenge is designed specifically to help you develop this skill.

People overcome these everyday life obstacles all the time and you can too.

You just haven't yet developed the skill necessary to take control of this part of your life and create consistency in the actions required to be successful.  

DD lost 80 lbs!  

Richard lost 100 lbs!

Our version of 75Hard, GRIT50 is


The get-real mental toughness program to challenge the real reasons you struggle with diet or exercise.

โ†“ Fast track to the gritty details โ†“ 

because It's nOT JUST about DIET & EXERCISE


You know you need to improve your diet and/or exercise to feel optimal in your body and perform your best in life, that's the obvious. Just knowing it isn't enough though, is it?

What's really stopping you from eating better, exercising more consistently, improving your physical and/or mental health, feeling like a million bucks, and living your best life?

It may seem like stress, emotional eating, temptations, sugar cravings, fatigue, social pressures, time, or money keeps getting in your way ... but those are not the real issues. 

If they were, we'd all be in the same boat because everyone has some degree of these every day real life challenges. Life happens all.the.time to all of us.

The real culprit is the plethora of excuses you keep allowing these things to be in your life. (did I mention this is a get-real kinda challenge?)

Why grit50?

This may be the most hardcore challenge you'll ever do.

But guaranteed, if you can stick it out for 50 days, your life will be changed in ways you never could have expected.

Drawing from psychologist Angela Duckworth's research, this mental toughness challenge applies the principles of grit to help you build the perspective, passion, and perseverance you need to make crushing your nutrition and fitness goals feel EFFORTLESS.

FINALLY build the body and the life you've been dreaming of.

Register today & start tomorrow! Get immediate access to everything you need to set yourself up for success. 

Without passion and perseverance for your goals and a growth mindset (the things that make up 'grit'), eating optimally and moving your body consistently amidst all life's temptations would be an absolute grind.  You already know this, or you wouldn't still be reading this.

GRIT50 is the platform to challenge your excuses, overcome your perceived obstacles, and build the mental performance it takes to be consistent with nutrition and exercise - no matter what day-to-day life throws at you. The best part -  you will look, feel and function more optimally than you've ever thought possible.  

BECAUSE Mindset is everything.


Because once upon a time, I was just like you.  Not comfortable in my body. Feeling disappointed in myself for letting it get to that point.

As a young, stressed-out wife and mom with a thriving social life and a family history of addiction, I had a lot going on. I often hit the gym several times a week, but didn't feel like I 'looked the part'.  Other times, I'd go weeks without moving my body. I was kinda fit, but also kinda fat.  I often fasted until noon, ate chicken & lettuce for lunch, then felt exhausted and so hangry by evening, I'd self-soothe with non-stop snacking on chips and sweets.  

Many Mondays started with great intention and a plan, only to derail by the weekend and be back at square one by the next Monday.

Every failed attempt drained the confidence a little more... to the point that any real change seemed like a massive undertaking, both physically and mentally.

I was defeated and felt completely stuck. Everyday was a lost opportunity to be a healthier, leaner, stronger, and happier version of myself.  And it was embarrassing, to be honest. I was a pretty hardcore, successful person in other areas of my life.  Why couldn't I get my own nutrition and lifestyle on track, despite wanting it so badly?

I can't tell you there was a singular pivotable moment that 'changed' everything for me. I just know that I kept on wanting to get out of my rut.  And at some point, I realized that the root of it all was not a lack of time, or my social life, or even all the stress.

The REAL PROBLEM was that I kept allowing those things to be excuses for every day that I chose not to eat well and take care of myself.

That realization was bittersweet. It meant I had to take full responsibility for my actions and for how I felt. Regardless of how busy, tired or stressed I was - ultimately I had the power to chose what I ate and how I lived my life.  

But it was also exciting - because taking complete ownership meant that I could change things around. And so I did. I dug deep and I slowly built the self-discipline, confidence, and mental fortitude to consistently take action that aligned with my goals.

As a result of prioritizing my own wellness, I soon began to feel LESS fatigued, LESS stressed, and better equipped to cope with what was going on around me - even though I was spending more 'time' focusing on myself! 

Almost 20 years later, I'm still going strong and feeling strong ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ Taking care of my body and mind is second-nature to me and doesn't feel like a burden or a time-suck in my life, like it once used to. 


CHANGING YOUR MIND is THE key to achieving diet & exercise SUCCESS.

This can be you too. GRIT50 is how.

Every day for 50 days, you'll wake up to guided coaching strategies to build the passion, discipline, and grit to achieve your weight loss & fitness goals. Guaranteed.

Register today & start tomorrow! Get immediate access to everything you need to set yourself up for success. 

Here's all the gritty details...

  1. no alcohol
  2. no refined sugar 
  3. minimum 2 lt water daily
  4. minimum daily protein (1 gram per pound of goal body weight)
  5. minimum 2 cups veggies daily


Further details & support for each of the below actions is provided on the private resource page available immediately upon registration (includes macros calculator, meal plans, recipes, etc.) 

  1. minimum 30 minute workout 5x/week 
  2. minimum 3 of the above workouts must include strength training
  3. minimum 30 minutes additional lifestyle activity outside each day
  1. MSR (morning success routine) of your choice daily 
  2. ESR (evening success routine) of your choice daily 

mindset x2

movement x3


(what you'll be doing & collecting points for everyday)

  • a workout can be running, cycling, Crossfit, intervals, a sport, weight lifting; it must increase the heart rate to a perceived rate of exertion of at least 7/10 and break a sweat!
  • strength training means anything that supports muscle building; ie: body building, weight lifting, strength component in Crossfit WODs or circuit type sessions, even bodyweight exercises (ie: squats, push ups)
  • on the 1-2 days/week you take off to let your body rest, you'll spend that 30 minutes on mobility, stretching or additional time doing lifestyle activity to collect your point for it
  • lifestyle activity outside examples include walking, golfing, gardening, hiking
  • one of the above success routines must include consuming the short daily coaching grit tip email

THE grit Scoring

Collecting points for taking action and tracking your progress is completely optional and on the honour system.

But we highly recommended it!  This is the external accountability that studies show significantly increases your success.  And hey, that's why you're here!  Plus we love celebrating your success, so please track and share your progress with us!

For each of the 10 daily actions successfully implemented, award yourself 1 point. 

You'll use this TRACKER to check off & tally each day.


Everything you need to ensure you're set up to succeed - a massive library of expertly developed macro calculator worksheets, sample meal plans, healthy & easy recipes, meal prep tips, sample workouts, and more - all available to you immediately upon registration.  

THE grit Support

You'll have all the resources you need to crush these 50 days!


This may be a DIY program, but we've made sure you have a coach in your ear every day! Short informative tips and evidence-based tools delivered straight to your inbox daily ensures you have the nudge you need throughout.


Get coaches' eyes on your progress when you share your tracker in the Facebook group each week (optional of course, but highly recommended - because being accountable to someone else helps you build the grit you need to be accountable to yourself).  

Extra support


GRIT50 sounds a bit like the 75Hard challenge or other ones.  How is it the same or different?

Still on the fence?



Great question! There are some similarities. However, we take it a step further in the level of expertise and support provided throughout. Here's how GRIT50 is different:

GRIT50 brings not only personal experience with nutrition and lifestyle transformation, but also professional expertise. It is developed and delivered by our Registered Holistic Nutritionistโ„ข, Yvette Styner, who has over 25 years of experience educating and coaching in fitness and nutrition.

Following a diet (any diet) is one of the daily 'rules' in some other challenges, but no specific recommendations are provided.

In GRIT50, we provide you with everything you need to safely, effectively and sustainably dial in your nutritional needs for your own unique goals. Let's face it, nutrition is a core part of a challenge like this. Anyone can starve themselves for a few weeks and see results, but having trusted direction with the diet piece is crucial to your longterm success and health.  

Varied levels of accountability and support is always available throughout your GRIT50 challenge, from weekly scorecard sharing in the Facebook group to additional direct 1:1 coaching if desired.

Further, we are with you every day of the challenge with our daily grit tips delivered straight to your inbox - to help keep your head in the game throughout.  It's like an advent calendar for nutrition and mindset! 

There's no all-or-nothing mentality in GRIT50. Unlike others, perfection is not mandatory and all is not lost if you don't do all the things every single day.  Instead, we encourage you to strive for your best each day.  GRIT50 is about building new habits that last a lifetime.  It is not strictly outcome focused, rather it is about awareness and action. No surprise, focusing on the process typically leads to a better outcome too ๐Ÿ˜‰



Is there any personalization or 1:1 support included in GRIT50?
GRIT50 is entirely an online DIY challenge that provides all the tools and resources to determine your own unique needs. However, our coaches are accessible regularly in our Facebook group for general Q&A.  Additionally (and this is the best part!) if you'd like a little extra personalized 1:1 support at any time during the challenge, you can book your private online 1:1 coaching session with coach Yvette (availability dependant) and save 50% off the regular cost of 1:1 coaching.



Is GRIT50 an online challenge?
Yes it is. All resources are available on a private member-only webpage that we've created just for you!  You'll find everything you need here. You'll also have access to our tracking app (optional to use) and the Facebook group with general Q&A and support. Lastly, a quick-read grit tip is sent directly to your inbox each and every morning of the 50 days to help keep your head in the game.  It's like having a coach in your ear daily!


Register today & start tomorrow! Get immediate access to everything you need to set yourself up for success.