We know that stress is more than just an emotional response to something upsetting or exciting, right? Stress is biological – that is, it creates changes in our bodies and brains.  And those changes can sabotage your weight loss, fitness and health goals. So what can we do about it (given that stress is unavoidable)? […]

We know that stress is more than just an emotional response to something upsetting or exciting, right? Stress is biological – that is, it creates changes in our bodies and brains.  And those changes can sabotage your weight loss, fitness and health goals. So what can we do about it (given that stress is unavoidable)? […]

I get asked all the time if you should eat carbs at night. It’s not as easy as a yes / no answer, but here’s what I can tell you: It depends on what your goals are, your individual target amounts, your own personal schedule, and even your own physiology. As a general rule, if […]

Let’s get something clear right away — carbs are NOT the bad guys, especially if sustainable weight loss is your goal! They’ve been demonized in the media for the last what, ten+ years? Way too many of us have fallen victim to thinking they should cut ALL carbs to support weight loss. Long story short: […]

Oh, the age-old debate: to carb or not to carb? Well, if you’re dreaming of building mountains of muscles and staying lean in the process, you might want to buddy up with carbs. Here’s the scoop on why carbohydrates are a must-have in your muscle-building and fat-burning arsenal.  Let’s get into the good stuff that’ll […]

You may not be surprised to hear that I’ve started making my own kombucha (this post originally written in January 2025), but trust me – this is HUGE for me! I may be holistic and all, and for sure I recognize all the amazing health benefits of kombucha, but I’m also super impatient.  What can […]

Like everything in the extremes-obsessed world we live in, the nutrition arena is full of contradictions.  Some nutritionists swear by macro-tracking (macros – short for macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats).  Others suggest that any tracking or even paying attention to numbers at all should be completely avoided. Of course, the ‘best’ methodology for YOU (and […]

1 in 4. That’s how many people will stick to their goals. That means that 75% of us won’t achieve the weight loss or performance goals that we’re trying to diet our way to this year. I aim to change that. I created Rx HABITS to change that! You see, in over 10 years of […]

Dieting but can’t lose weight? I get it. It’s so frustrating to feel like your body is broken because you’re working so hard at dieting and the weight just won’t come off. The GOOD news is that it’s almost always a pretty simple fix. (but that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy!) Let me tell you […]

Sure lean muscle looks great on a body.  I mean, who doesn’t admire chiselled abs, shapely shoulder caps, and firm round glutes?! The benefits of having a good amount of muscle mass go far beyond just looking good naked – especially as you’re aging. But don’t take my word for it. Dr. Stacy Sims often […]

Chronically underfueling (eating far, far less food energy than you’re burning every day), like very low-calorie diets, can specifically lead to increased visceral fat – the fat stored deep within the abdominal cavity around vital organs like the liver and intestines. This occurs because of the body’s stress response and hormonal adaptations during prolonged calorie […]

The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Build Holistic Nutrition. Please note that Build Nutrition is not a dietitian, physician, pharmacist or other licensed healthcare professional. The information on this website is NOT intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of a qualified health care professional. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Always consult with your primary care physician or licensed healthcare provider for all diagnosis and treatment of any diseases or conditions, for medications or medical advice, as well as before changing your health care regimen.


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