Fall is right around the corner, which means that it’s the PERFECT time to get into the habit of meal prepping. Here are four easy tips for you to try this fall! Ever seen an apple go bad in the fridge? Yeah, me neither, so no judgment here. But since I’ve started meal prepping my […]

Fall is right around the corner, which means that it’s the PERFECT time to get into the habit of meal prepping. Here are four easy tips for you to try this fall! Ever seen an apple go bad in the fridge? Yeah, me neither, so no judgment here. But since I’ve started meal prepping my […]

What are your core values? It can be difficult sometimes to identify our values, often they are exposed not ‘picked’ from a list.  None-the-less, seeing a list of value words might be helpful.  Here’s one for your reference: Acceptance Accomplishment Accountability Accuracy Achievement Adaptability Alertness Altruism Ambition Amusement Assertiveness Attentive Awareness Balance Beauty Boldness Bravery […]

Is whey or collagen protein better for building muscle? Read to the bottom of this post if you: lift heavy stuff because you want to build muscle are curious about or already are a vegan eater are an older athlete & want to hold on to your hard-earned muscle think you might be sensitive to […]

If your weight is stuck, try this simple solution.  You may hate me for saying this… or you may love me because I’m offering a simple solution to get the scale moving in the direction you want. If your weight is stuck, chances are you’re eating more than you think. I say this with a […]

Are you overtraining or just undereating? It makes logical sense that the more you exercise, the fitter you’ll get.  Right?  Yes, but only to a certain point. Elite athletes train, train, and train some more but often start to feel slower or weaker.  Why is that? Are they overtraining? Short answer, not necessarily. “If you’re […]

Is this ONE THING keeping you overweight? It could be excess sodium that’s keeping you from reaching your goal weight. Wondering how much weight you’re holding onto by eating too much salt? It’s probably heaps more than you may realize.  Let me tell you, it shocked me to learn the answer to this question when […]

Is this ONE THING keeping you overweight?

Originally published in January 2017, updated and made more awesome in November 2020 You don’t need to be a bodybuilder to reap the tremendous health benefits of strength training. Nor do you have to join a gym. Nor buy super-fancy equipment. Nor be intimidated by the words body builder or weight lifting. Let’s define those […]

In the diet and nutrition world, a cleanse or detox on eating clean is every bit as popular as any flavour-of-the-month fad diet. And like many fad diets, unfortunately it can be quite extreme, and therefore kind of scary. But does it have to be? There’s no standardized way to cleanse or detox. It’s typically […]

You’ve probably heard that so many types of diets don’t work. Which ones do? (And ten reasons why.) Maybe we should start by defining “diet” because frankly, I think the word has gotten a bad rap. The word “diet” really just means “the way you eat.”  In that sense, the word shouldn’t have any negative […]

Weekly Meal Plan | Mipstick Nutrition

Why a structured meal plan might be just what you need to get [back on] track and move toward eating intuitively! Google “diet” and this is what you’ll see. Notice the difference between nouns 1 and 2.  If there is anything you hear – I mean really hear from me, hear this: A “diet” should […]

lady eating intuitively

The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Build Holistic Nutrition. Please note that Build Nutrition is not a dietitian, physician, pharmacist or other licensed healthcare professional. The information on this website is NOT intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of a qualified health care professional. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Always consult with your primary care physician or licensed healthcare provider for all diagnosis and treatment of any diseases or conditions, for medications or medical advice, as well as before changing your health care regimen.


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