Put on your big girl panties because here comes a mipstick-gets-real moment.
Stop whining about how much time, effort or cost it takes to eat well and just decide if you want it or not. If you do want it, keep reading. If you don’t, keep reading.
Other than your desire and dedication to being your strongest, healthiest you (which will be your number 1 driving force), meal prep and planning is vital to your success. And yes, it will take some time and effort.
As a competitive athlete and a nutrition consultant, I get it! But like most things, it’s our attitude toward it that’ll determine whether it’s a bother or not.
Consider this:
- Would you be willing to study for years on end to earn a university degree?
- Have you ever worked extra hours or taken on additional projects to advance your professional career?
- If you are an athlete, do you consistency train to progress in your sport?
- If you are a musician, do you put extra hours into practice to perfect a performance?
- Do you willingly and without resentment work in your garden each spring to create a beautiful yard you can enjoy for the summer?
I could go on and on about the many things we do in life that require extra time, energy and/or cost; things we do willingly and without a woe-is-me perception toward it, because we accept that it is part of the process and most importantly, we BELIEVE it is worth it.
That is the question you must honestly ask yourself:
Is it worth it?
If your answer is no, that’s okay. Go on as you are, but don’t complain or place blame where it doesn’t belong.
If you’re answer is yes, determine what that will look like for you and begin taking steps toward making it happen. These steps will include:
- food prep/cooking
- smart grocery shopping
- regular exercise
- fuelling your body for your individual needs and goals
- seek professional guidance if needed
We can help. Establishing new habits can be the biggest obstacle, even when desire is strong. The WHAT and HOW MUCH to eat, finding easy recipes, grocery shopping, meal prep organizing… it can seem overwhelming at first, we understand. But with consistency, small practical and progressive steps, and support, we know you can get there!
Check out Meal Prep Like a Boss for lots of practical, real-life tips that can help you out, or contact us to chat about our nutrition programs that could help you become a meal prep boss!