5 ways eating more veggies helps you get shredded: full of fibre that keep you fuller for longer – so you control hunger hormones, resulting in less likelihood of over eating full of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and other phytonutrients that regulate hormones and boost metabolism improved performance & recovery – high in prebiotics that feed […]

5 ways eating more veggies helps you get shredded: full of fibre that keep you fuller for longer – so you control hunger hormones, resulting in less likelihood of over eating full of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and other phytonutrients that regulate hormones and boost metabolism improved performance & recovery – high in prebiotics that feed […]

5 ways eating more veggies helps you get shredded: full of fibre that keep you fuller for longer – so you control hunger hormones, resulting in less likelihood of over eating full of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and other phytonutrients that regulate hormones and boost metabolism improved performance & recovery – high in prebiotics that feed […]

My mom used to make the most amazing melt-in-your-mouth shortbreads at Christmas time. Of course, I wouldn’t consider them ‘healthy’ – but the holidays are definitely a time to loosen up and enjoy the odd treat! When I’m asked for a healthier alternative though, these Coconut Shortbreads are my go-to.     View or download […]

Pumpkin is an athlete’s best friend! We always recommend fresh over canned foods, but in the case of pumpkin, the canned variety actually retains a lot of its nutritional value.  That’s good news because pumpkin is packed with nutrients that help your performance goals, like vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, iron, and most note-worthy, vitamin A. […]

Whether your primary goal is weight loss, sports recovery or general health, FIBRE could be the the most important thing you add to your diet. That’s because it fills you up so you stay full for longer, helps balance blood sugar levels so you deal with less cravings, and because it plays such a significant […]

Low FODMAP foods to the athlete’s rescue! We work with a lot of competitive and recreational athletes who struggle with digestive issues. Unfortunately the flip side of developing superior cardiovascular and muscular health, is that your high level training often results in impaired digestive function.  Increased stress hormones and inflammation in the body, increased dietary […]

Boost metabolism & energy levels with this tasty thyroid-supportive snack! Nori is a type of seaweed and the perfect plant based source of iodine, essential to the thyroid. Iodine is necessary for the body to create thyroid hormones, and plays a crucial role in a healthy metabolism, energy production, and weight management. When thyroid levels […]

If you’re looking for ways to spice up your tofu, this recipe is for you! Tofu is a the perfect plant protein and offers loads of health benefits.  It’s a soy product that includes a complete amino acid profile to give you all the building blocks you need for muscle building and recovery from your […]

Chocolate + Protein + Pancakes …  🕺 💖 💃🏻 [insert my happy dance!] It doesn’t get much better than this! These pancakes have so many building-body, performance & recovery optimizing nutrients in them, it’s worthy of my happy-food-dance (yes, ask my family – it’s a thing!) Chickpeas, cocoa and chocolate are great food sources of […]

If you want to eat more sauerkraut for the amazing health benefits it offers (and there are plenty!), but don’t really like the taste – this recipe is for you! Sauerkraut is a superfood for digestive and gut flora health, and I’m sure you’ve heard of all the research that is showing the importance of […]

The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Build Holistic Nutrition. Please note that Build Nutrition is not a dietitian, physician, pharmacist or other licensed healthcare professional. The information on this website is NOT intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of a qualified health care professional. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Always consult with your primary care physician or licensed healthcare provider for all diagnosis and treatment of any diseases or conditions, for medications or medical advice, as well as before changing your health care regimen.


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